Our Building Plan Approval Fees Calculator helps you estimate the cost of your house plan approval charges with just a few simple inputs. This tool provides an effortless way to calculate the fees associated with your building plan approval.
What is the Building Plan Approval Fees Calculator by Buildway Infra?
Our innovative calculator, tailored to your selected city, offers a detailed breakdown of approval fees. It covers:
– Fees at the time of Building Plan Approval
– Fees at the time of Plinth Inspection
– Fees at the time of Completion Certificate
– Fees for Water and Sewer Connections
How Do We Calculate House Plan Approval Charges?
Building plan approval fees are determined based on the latest bye-laws of your city. The calculation includes:
– Areas used to determine Built-Up Area (BUA)
– Compounding charges at the time of the Completion Certificate
– Permissible Additional FAR charges
Our calculator incorporates relevant terminology, including:
– Building Permit Fee
– Stacking Charge
– Betterment Charges
– Additional FAR Charges
– Betterment Levy
– Admin Charge
– Construction and Demolition Waste Charge
– Labour Cess
Advantages and Benefits of Buildway Infra’s Building Plan Approval Fees Calculator
As more individuals engage in home construction, our user-friendly calculator helps you make informed decisions and plan your dream home confidently. This tool ensures a surprise-free construction journey.
You can access our house plan approval calculators online at our website, where you can easily calculate fees for duplex or villa plans.
For more information on calculating house plan approval charges or to learn more about our services, please email us at buildaway.in@gmail.com.